Please help us:

Thank you for your generosity! Through your generous giving we have raised over $283,000.00. We now have only $17, 000.00 left to raise before we reach our goal of $300,000.00.

Please send whatever contributions you can to the Gordonsville Friends of the Library c/o Ann Friberg, Treasurer, 19385 Briar Patch Drive, Gordonsville, VA 22942

We appreciate any contributions you can make.

Watch For Upcoming Events:

You may have noticed some action around our new library. Thanks to your generous gifts, construction has begun.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

How Can You Help?

  1. Give a donation. Anything can help. Look for the penny boxes in local businesses or at the Gordonsville library or send a check to the Library Friends c/o Ann Friberg, Treasurer, 19385 Briar Patch Drive, Gordonsville, VA 22942 .
  2. Join the Friends of the Library. Contact Willow Drinkwater for times of meetings. There are so many ways to get involved.
  3. Come to one of our upcoming events. We're planning all sorts of community gatherings to raise money and awareness. Keep checking back here to watch for times and dates.
  4. Look for articles about the fund raising program in the Orange Coutnty Review.
  5. Talk to your friends, neighbors, and family members. Share the information. Spread the news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Willow is a FAKE!